- by Jeff Steenholdt
- 28 Mar 2022
Update on Helping Ukrainian Refugees in Italy - March 27, 2022
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
It has been almost two weeks since I wrote about how you can help Ukrainian refugees in Italy. I want to tell you how your prayers and generous donations are making a difference in the lives of people in need.
First, an update on the eight refugees in our church:
Alena Fedchishina is the young lady who worked for the Italian embassy in Kiev and fled with only a small backpack, making a long and dangerous journey through five countries before arriving in Italy and eventually Milan. Janie and I were delighted to host her in our home for three weeks. By God’s grace, she is recovering well from the trauma she experienced and is very active in helping other Ukrainian refugees. She volunteers fulltime at a non-profit humanitarian organization that assists refugees. This will become a paid position once she secures residency, which will take some time. We were also able to find a small apartment for her, buy her some clothes, food, and other necessary items. We are committed to helping her.
In addition, Alena is our resident interpreter at church, translating the sermon in real time from Italian into Russian, so that the other refugees (none of whom speak Italian yet) can follow along. Your donations allowed us to buy headsets for the refugees so that Alena can translate the sermon without disturbance.
Voldamyr & Daria Argakov, and their three children, Artiom (6), Mykhailo (3), and Nina (1), are also doing much better. You may remember from my last update that this family are members of a Presbyterian church in Kharkiv and that they fled with whatever they were able to pack into their small car. Their home was destroyed by Russian bombing. Your donations have helped us rent an apartment for them, buy food, clothing, and other necessary items. They are very grateful.
Tomorrow I am taking Voldamyr’s car to my mechanic. It is in desperate need of repair. Because of your support, we are able to help this family keep their vehicle safe and reliable.
Nadia Chygrynova and her daughter Vera (1) are also doing well. They live in the same apartment as the Argakov family and attend our church as well. Nadia was particularly thrilled when we bought her a stroller for Vera. Nadia’s husband is still in Ukraine, as men with less than three children are forbidden to leave the country. Please pray for his safety.
We have also been in contact with the Boiko family, whom I wrote about in my last update. They have decided to remain in Poland, as Yuriy received a job offer.
Sending aid to the Presbyterian church in Kharkiv
This past week, I was able to speak with Rev. Marko Argakov, who is the pastor of the Presbyterian church in Kharkiv and also Voldamyr’s older brother. He is still in Kharkiv, seeking to minister to the remaining members of his congregation and bringing help to those in need. He told me that their greatest material needs at the moment are 1) medicine, 2) non-perishable food, and 3) jackets. Due to your donations, we were able help them get these items. It is amazing to see God’s people around the globe helping one another, bringing light into the darkness.
We are also working with two other churches in Milan to assist refugees. Milan expects some 40,000 people to arrive from Ukraine. As you have probably heard, more than ten million people, mostly women and children, have been displaced from their homes because of the war. It is the largest mass migration since World War II. As refugees come to Milan, we want to be ready to assist them in their basic material needs and to bring the Gospel to them.
Thank you so much for your prayers and generosity. For the moment, it appears that we are sufficiently supplied to assist the eight refugees in our church. We are committed to their care. We ask you to please remember Alena, the Argakov and Chygrynova families in your prayers, as well as peace for Ukraine and Europe.
May the Lord bless you and strengthen you as you seek to glorify the name of Christ by overcoming evil with good.
Pastor Mike
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