- by Reformed Fellowship
- 08 Oct 2024
Reformed Fellowship October 2024 Newsletter
Board Updates
- We are introducing two new categories to recognize generous support of Reformed Fellowship above and beyond regular membership dues—friend and fellow. Each of these levels comes with distinct benefits. Look for a detailed explanation in the January/February 2025 Outlook!
We sponsored book tables at the Tri-State Bible Conference on September 23–24 in Sioux Center, IA and the Reformed Forum Annual Theology Conference on September 28 in Grayslake, IL. Pictured at right are Dr. Cornelis Venema, featured speaker at the Tri-State Bible Conference, with Reformed Fellowship board member Dr. Michael Kearney, and board member Dr. Andrew Compton with Reformed Forum conference participant Thomas Bell.
We are looking for a new proofreader.
From the Editorial and Publications Committee
Reformed Fellowship’s publication committee seeks a volunteer to convert scanned pdfs to a Word document as part of a larger book project. This would be a great service project for a tech-savvy high schooler or for an interested person of any age. Interested parties are asked to please contact Dr. Andrew Compton at acompton@midamerica.edu.
Did You Know?
Our Daily Bread Ministries supports the work of Reformed Fellowship in two vital ways. They are the printer of some of our materials, and they have allowed us to store catechism materials free of charge for many years. We are grateful!
Partner Update: CLIR
Reformed Fellowship Board President Al Rumph recently traveled to San Jose, Costa Rica for the general assembly of CLIR (Confraternidad Latinoamericana de Iglesias Reformadas), which celebrated its 30th anniversary this year. Pictured is the CLIR board. The man in the middle holding the mic is URCNA missionary to Ecuador Rev. Pablo Landázuri, who was just elected president of the board. CLIR translates and publishes many Reformed Fellowship titles in Spanish.
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Recent posts
- All,
- Aaron Korvemaker,
- Alberta,
- Arjen Vreugdenhill,
- Arnoud Vergunst,
- Belfast Northern Ireland,
- Bethany United Reformed Church,
- Bethel United Reformed Church of Aylmer,
- Burlington Washington United Reformed Church,
- CA,
- CA.,
- California URC,
- Canada,
- Candidate Collin Welch-Westside Reformed Church of Cincinnati,
- Candidate Jacob London,
- Candidate Matt Marino-Dayspring Reformed Church,
- Candidate Praveen Phinehas Muthusamy,
- Castlereagh Baptist Church,
- Cegdas Coskuns,
- Christ United Reformed Church of Santee,
- Christ URC,
- Community URC of Schererville,
- Cornelius (Neal) Hegeman,
- Covenant Reformed Church in Grande Prairie,
- Covenant Reformed Church of Kansas City,
- Covenant United Reformed Church in Kalamazoo,
- Daniel Hamstra,
- Demotte,
- Demotte Indiana,
- disaster zone in southeast Turkey,
- Eben-Ezer Canadian Reformed Church of Chatham,
- Escondido United Reformed Church in Escondido,
- Faith Reformed Church,
- Finding Faithfulness,
- Glenda Faye Mathes,
- Grace URC,
- Grand Rapids Michigan,
- Harvest OPC,
- Hope Heralds Male Chorus,
- I Didn't Know How Difficult It Would Be,
- I Didn’t Know How Difficult It Would Be!,
- I Didn’t Know How Difficult It Would Be! Personal Thoughts of a Grieving Husband and Father,
- Immanuel United Reformed Church,
- Immanuel URC,
- Immanuel's Reformed Church,
- IN,
- in prison for 300 inmates,
- Indiana,
- italy,
- Karamoja,
- Karamoja Uganda,
- Kelvin Tiemstra,
- Lacombe Alberta Canada,
- Luke Gossett,
- Michigan,
- MINTS ministry,
- MINTS Prison Ministries,
- MINTS Seminary in Prison,
- Mision Milan,
- Mission Milan,
- Mission Milan October 2022,
- Missouri,
- Mr. Daniel Cortez,
- Mr. Daniel Ragusa,
- Mrs. Vanessa Le,
- Neal Hegeman,
- Norman De Jong,
- OH),
- Ohio,
- ON,
- Ontario,
- OPC,
- Paul Freswick,
- Prison Ministry,
- Redeemer URC,
- Reformed Fellowship,
- Rev Al Bezuyen,
- Rev Steve Arrick,
- Rev. Adam Kaloostian,
- Rev. Adrian Dieleman,
- Rev. Angelo Contreras,
- Rev. Arnoud Vergunst,
- Rev. Barry Beukema,
- Rev. Brandon Burks,
- Rev. Chris Engelsma,
- Rev. David Klompien,
- Rev. Ed Marcusse,
- Rev. Gary Findley,
- Rev. Greg Lubbers,
- Rev. H. James Folkerts,
- Rev. Jacques Roets,
- Rev. James Ogle,
- Rev. Jeff Munive,
- Rev. Jeremy Veldman,
- Rev. Keith Giles,
- Rev. Marty Vogel,
- Rev. Michael G. Brown,
- Rev. Michael Schout,
- Rev. Nathan Zekveld,
- Rev. Phil Grotenhuis,
- Rev. Roberto Rossi,
- Rev. Stephen Lauer,
- Rev. William Godfrey,
- Robert Van der Woerd,
- Roslyn Presbyterian Church,
- Salem Oregon,
- Santee CA,
- Scott Wright,
- Taber United Reformed Church,
- The Outlook,
- The Outlook Index 2007-2020,
- Trinity Reformed Church is seeking pulpit supply for a new daughter church it is establishing in Taber Alberta.,
- Trinity United Reformed Church of Visalia,
- Trinity URC of St. Catharines,
- Turkey,
- Uganda,
- Ukrainian Refugees in Milan,
- United Reformed,
- United Reformed Church of Lynden,
- Update on Helping Ukrainian Refugees in Italy,
- URC,
- Vanessa Le,
- Waupun Wisconsin,
- Westside Reformed Church (Cincinnati,
- Zeeland Michigan,
- Zion United Reformed Church in Sheffield