- by Jeff Steenholdt
- 26 Dec 2023
Mission Milan Newsletter - December 2023
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Janie, Iain, and I wish you a Merry Christmas as you reflect on the greatest event of human history and what it means for us: that Christ came into this dark and broken world to redeem us through his life, death, and resurrection. Only in Him do we have a living hope that looks beyond the horizons of this present evil age to the promise of a new heaven and a new earth where we will glorify God and enjoy him forever. While we enjoy peace with God now because of Christ’s first advent, we will experience peace in its fullest measure at Christ’s second advent. When the King returns, he will bring everlasting peace on earth as he ushers in the glory of the age to come. This present age, with its sorrow and suffering, will come to an end for God’s people. In that day, “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away” (Rev 21.4). In the meantime, as believers living between the two advents of Christ, we have the blessed privilege of serving God, enjoying Him, and telling others about His Son. Whatever 2024 brings in your life, we pray that you will be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. The best is yet to come! Conference in Sicily.
Conference in Sicily.
On December 8-10, Janie and I had the privilege of participating in a conference commemorating the 100th anniversary of J. Gresham Machen’s classic “Christianity & Liberalism”, which has been translated and published in Italian. The conference was hosted by Chiesa Sola Grazia, a confessional Reformed Baptist church in Caltanissetta, Sicily. This church graciously invited me to be one of the speakers. The conference was edifying and the fellowship was encouraging. It provided us with a great opportunity to get to know other Protestants in Italy and strengthen friendships. A particular highlight was the preaching of 85-year-old Rev. Geoffrey Thomas, a disciple of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
Janie continues to lead a monthly ladies’ group. They meet to pray and discuss a book that they have been reading together. In their last meeting, they read Corrie ten Boom’s The Hiding Place, which is available in Italian. We are grateful that these ladies have an opportunity to fellowship outside of Sunday.

Family Matters.

For more extensive updates, visit our website: missionmilan.org
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