- by Jeff Steenholdt
- 10 Sep 2022
Mission Milan September 2022
As another summer in Milan has drawn to a close, the ordinary rhythm of life has returned. The Milanese have come home from their August vacations, schools have reopened, and our church is once again full on Sunday. We are eager to begin a new season of catechism lessons, mid- week Bible studies, and monthly men’s and women’s meetings. The following is a brief update on the recent happenings of our church and family:
Maintaining the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace
In order to strengthen our relationship with Chiesa Presbiteriana di Legnano, which is the only other confessional church in Milan, our consistory and their session have committed to holding two joint worship services every year during the first two Sundays of August. The idea is for both congregations to worship together; one Sunday at Chiesa Presbiteriana di Legnano in which I preach, and the following Sunday at Chiesa Riformata Filadelfia in which Rev. Humberto Arisa de Oliveira (the pastor of CPL) preaches. The Lord’s Days of August 7 and 14 were the first time we have done this. All who participated agreed that this was a tremendous blessing and encouragement to both congregations. It provides us with rich fellowship and the opportunity to know one another better. We plan to repeat this event next year and hope that we find other activities that we can do together.
Family Camp in Germany
From August 15-19, I had the blessing of serving Covenant Fellowship Church, a mission work of the PCA in Stuttgart, Germany, as the guest speaker at their annual family camp. The congregation is a mixture of Germans and Americans. I preached four times (in English, with translation into German) on the doctrine of adoption. The camp was run very well, and filled with opportunity to fellowship, worship, and spend time with other believers. Janie and Iain were also invited and enjoyed the week very much. Iain made some new friends, all of whom come from Christian homes. We were refreshed and encouraged. Now, our council in Milan is planning a family camp of our own for next year.
Reformation Italy Meeting in Lecce
This week I will go to the south of Italy, in the city of Lecce to meet with Rev. Andrea Ferrari and Rev. Vincenzo Coluccia, a WSC graduate and the missionary of New Life Presbyterian Church in Escondido. We will begin the challenging task of writing a new church in Italian for the future Reformed and Presbyterian denomination of Italy. We are working as a committee of the Coalition of Presbyterian and Reformed Churches in Italy (La Comunione delle Chiese Presbiteriane e Riformate in Italia). We plan to meet for four days of work. Then, on Sunday the 11th, I will preach in the morning worship service of Chiesa Presbiteriana Pietra Vivente, the church-plant Rev. Coluccia is serving. We ask for your prayers for our labors and the future denomination, that all will be done to the glory of God and spiritual wellbeing of his people in Italy.
Family Matters
Janie, Iain, and I were thrilled to spend a week of vacation in the beautiful Dolomites, the eastern part of the Italian Alps. Incredibly, these breathtaking mountains are only three to four hours from Milan. Although I still had to preach on Sunday, we were very refreshed to spend Monday to Saturday in a place where we could enjoy hiking, cycling, and the beauty of God’s creation.
Iain started 12th grade. His workload this year will be quite intense, so we ask for your continued prayers for him – that he will stay focused on his schoolwork, make good friends, and, above, keep walking with the Lord.
Janie is doing well. She is busy teaching English classes to foreigners and doing most of the tech work for our church. She is a blessing to the congregation and is my biggest help in the ministry. As always, Janie and I want to thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support. We could not do this work without the faithful prayers and encouragement of God’s people.

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