- 05 Oct 2024
CLIR General Assembly San José, Costa Rica
CLIR General Assembly San José, Costa Rica
September 18 – September 20, 2024
After 7 years the Reformed Churches of Latin America once again came together for the purpose of fellowship and ecclesiastical unity. Normally the General Assembly convenes once every 4 years, but due to the pandemic of 2020, was delayed until this year.
Each time the General Assembly convenes at a different location. The previous gathering was in Mexico, this time in Costa Rica, with Confraternidad Latinamerica de Iglesias Reformadas – (Fellowship of Reformed Churches in Latin America) or CLIR, hosting the event. The Assembly is made up of pastors and elders/deacons from member churches and invited churches as well as representatives from the various Reformed organizations including seminaries, bookstore outlets, and radio broadcasters. Only delegates from member denominations can vote and only those members may be nominated to the Board of Directors. About half of those in attendance were members while the other half were invitees.
The General Assembly began each day with signing and devotions. Time was allotted for each church and organization to address the assembly and bring their respective greetings and give a brief history of their denomination or organization. We were blessed by the CECRE school giving us a presentation of songs and musical instruments. The Executive Secretary and the Treasurer gave their respective reports.
We heard from the following pastors on various topics confronting the churches:
Rev. Pablo Landázuri from the Luz de Vida church (Quito, Ecuador) spoke on “Considerating the next generation in the future of the Church.”
Pastor Alonso Ramírez (Perú) on “The Justice of the covenant against intertestamental apostasy and prophesy.”
Pastor Ludgero Bonilha (Retired Pastor and Church leader from Brazil) on “Warning against the dangers of the church in our environment (focusing on the feminism movement)” and “The Deceitfulness of Transhumanism in Gender Ideology.”
Pastor Carlos Cruz (Puerto Rico) on “The advance of Protestant Calvinism in the last 100 years.”
Pastor Donald Herrera (Costa Rica) on “The Church against ideological and Political Changes.”
Rev. Bill Green on being “Steadfast in the Battle.”
At one point the Assembly divided into groups to discuss the support they were currently getting and what was needed for the future. There were many suggestions including being more diligent in supporting CLIR and creating local chapters that would meet between General Assemblies.
New Board members were elected. Rev Pablo Landázuri was elected as the new president. The Board reappointed Rev. Bill Green as the Executive Director of CLIR.
It was noted that none of the member churches had paid their dues. There was a renewed interest and commitment to support CLIR financially and some of the invited churches (non-members) showing an interest to join CLIR.
There were 3 broadcast organizations from three different countries. This gathering gave them the opportunity to meet each other for the first time. The result was the formation of their own organization (CLAR) thus enabling them to share resources, benefiting each broadcaster.
There were some familiar faces from previous Assemblies but also many new and younger men in attendance. Many churches in Latin America do not enjoy the support of sound seminaries and strong leadership to keep them doctrinally within the confessions. Most in attendance were pastors or men in leadership roles within their respective denominations. The speeches were directed to these men, to warn them against world influences and even their own pride. There seemed to be a renewed interest, even a turning point, of concern in defending the Reformed faith and being faithful to God’s Word.
There were about 80 attendees from 40 churches and organizations representing 14 countries; Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto

Delegates singing

CLIR Board with Rev. Green. The man in the middle holding the mike is Rev. Landázuri, just elected president of the Board and is our missionary to Ecuador.

The entire assembly, about 80 participants. John and Susan Huizenga had not arrived yet.

Presentation of a gift to CLIR for 30 years of service

CLIR staff. Susana, the CLIR editor is forth from right standing in front of Lester. Nathan, who was the editor, is standing next Bill Green.
Churches and organizations represented were:
Church or organization/Country/Delegates
Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada de Bolivia (Bolivia) [2]
Iglesia Bautista y Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano (Bolivia) [1]
Iglesia Bautista y Seminario Bautista (Bolivia) [1]
Iglesia Reformada Gracia Soberana (Bolivia) [1]
Iglesia Presbiteriana de Brasil (Brazil) [9]
Iglesia Reformada Evangélica (Colombia) [1]
Iglesia Presbiteriana Betania de la Reforma (Colombia) [1]
Seminario Latinoamericano (Colombia) [1]
Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada Radio IPR (Colombia) [2]
IPR CR (Costa Rica) [1]
CLIR (Costa Rica) [1]
Iglesia Evangélica (Costa Rica) [1]
Iglesia Reformada Unida Luz de Vida and (Ecuador) [2]
Seminario Reformada de las Americas (Ecuador)
Iglesia Presbiteriana Betel (Guatemala) [9]
Seminario Presbiteriano (Guatemala) [6]
Iglesia Reformada San José de la Bega (Honduras) [2]
Presbiterio de la Chontalpa (Mexico) [1]
Presbiterio Juan Konx, Quintana Roo, (Mexico) [3]
Presidente Presbiterio Sac-Be (Mexico) [1]
Iglesia Nacilnal Presbiteriana (Mexico) [1]
Iglesia Reformada Pacto de Gracia (Nicaragua) [2]
Mision presbiteriana de brasil (Panama) [2]
Primera Iglesia Bautista de Balboa (Panama) [6]
Misión Chiriqui (Panama) [3]
Primera Iglesia Bautista de Balboa (Panama) [1]
Mision presbiteriana de Brasil (Panama) [3]
Iglesia Evangélica Presbiteriana (Peru) [2]
Iglesia Presbiteriana y Reformada del
Caribe y Seminario Reformado del Caribe (Puerto Rico) [3]
Iglesia Presbiteriana (Chile) [2]
RMS (USA) [1]
Iglesia Presbiteriana Reformada (Costa Rica) [3]
Iglesia Bíblica Gracia Soberana (Costa Rica) [1]
Iglesia Palabra Viva (Costa Rica) [1]
Iglesia Bautista Reformada de San Jose (Costa Rica) [1]
Centro Educativo Cristiano Reformado Costa Rica) [1]
Seminario Farel (Costa Rica) [1]
Instituto de la Mujer (Costa Rica) [1]
Educación Plus (Costa Rica) [3]
The delegation from Bethany URC also attended the Sunday worship service at Pacto de Gracia where Rev. Green is the Pastor. One of the Elders gave the adult Sunday School lesson, while Rev. Green preached the service. In attendance also was one of the local churches with Baptist roots. The Pastor has become Reformed and is leading the congregation to join the Reformed Presbyterian church. This was a “get acquainted” and so many from that congregation were there. We also celebrated Rev. Green and Aletha’s 40th anniversary as missionaries to Costa Rica with a meal and cake.
Just as we have seen the buildings housing the school, the CLIR facilities and the churches go up, so to we have seen the fruition of labor of not only the Greens but many who now comprise the Reformed community. God is working in their midst and using these people. The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Costa Rica now has four churches and two church plants. Many of the leaders are products of the Christian School started by the Greens. The school is composed of a grade school and high school and the teachers and staff are very dedicated to a Christ centered Biblical education. CLIR continues to translate, write books (over 200 titles) and articles geared at articulating a Reformed perspective in all areas of life against the influences of the world so pervasive in Latin America.
One note of concern is that though there are many men attending the seminary Farel in Costa Rica, non are geared towards the pastorship. Pacto de Gracia currently has 4 preaching elders, but three are not able to exhort with any reliability for various reasons and the 4th is fairly new. The situation is more dire at the other churches. So be in prayer that the Lord will provide capable pastors for the next generation.