- by Reformed Fellowship
- 19 Nov 2024
Reformed Fellowship Members' Meeting Highlights Broadening Teaching Ministry
Reformed Fellowship held its annual members’ meeting Thursday, November 14, 2024 at Bethany United Reformed Church in Wyoming, Mich., and on Zoom.
Reviving a decades-old tradition of connecting members’ meetings with theological instruction, the evening began with a webinar featuring Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn of Reformed Theological Seminary. Reformed Fellowship board member Dr. Daniel Ragusa interviewed Van Dixhoorn regarding the Belgic Confession’s history and place of distinction among Reformed and Presbyterian statements of faith. Van Dixhoorn described the confession as “one of the many texts in Christian history that failed at its principal purpose and yet, under the Lord’s sovereign care, has proved to be such a wonderful, helpful text.” Though it did not persuade King Philip II of Spain to cease persecution of Reformed Christians, Guido de Bres’s document strengthened believers in the Low Countries with a powerful and moving expression of a common faith.
Following Van Dixhoorn’s presentation, board president Al Rumph and general manager Hope Staal overviewed recent developments in the organization, including several new board members, a lineup of new titles, and increased outreach and fundraising.
The Outlook enters its 75th year of publication with expanding circulation, including 350 subsidized subscriptions received by prisoners. Reformed Fellowship distributes materials to 37 countries in 17 languages, and its voting members represent 11 Reformed and Presbyterian denominations.
“We’re very grateful to those who work behind the scenes and support the work of Reformed Fellowship. After many years operating in the red, we are moving back towards territory of operating in the black,” said Rumph, attributing the organization’s ability to weather changing social and technological trends to the significant generosity of a few individuals and the faithfulness of long-time members. This year's operating budget has a current deficit of $7,000.
Seeking to broaden Reformed Fellowship’s member and donor base, Rumph and Staal unveiled an updated membership tier structure which will recognize the generosity of those who support Reformed Fellowship at levels beyond annual dues. Staal also announced a discount of 40% to church partners who support the organization with annual offerings of $1,000 or more.

Expected releases in the remainder of 2024 and 2025 include a commentary on the URCNA Church Order by Rev. Bradd Nymeyer, a resource on Christian generosity by Dr. Bryce Bartruff, and the second edition of the Life in Christ catechism curriculum, which is already used by 150 congregations internationally. After the membership meeting, Rev. Doug Barnes reported on another 2024 release: a study resource on the Belgic Confession translated from a Dutch volume by J. G. Feenstra.
For more information on any of these materials or initiatives, please call 1-616-532-8510 or email office@reformedfellowship.net.
Reformed Fellowship is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting and promoting the historic Reformed tradition of the Christian faith. Reformed Fellowship carries out its educational and pastoral mission by publishing a bimonthly magazine, The Outlook, and a variety of books, Bible studies, and catechism curricula. Reformed Fellowship books have been translated into multiple languages and are distributed around the world, including college libraries, seminaries, prisons, and mission works. Its board members represent a variety of Reformed and Presbyterian churches, all of whom subscribe to the ecumenical creeds and historic Reformed confessions (Three Forms of Unity and Westminster Standards).
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