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Jesus Christ Revealed in the Psalms

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"What a wonderful meditation book on finding Christ in the Psalms. While I am only up to Psalm 53, I have been blessed and encouraged by the personal application that Case has put into these. This is not a book you pick up and read from cover to cover. It is a book that you read with the mindset of meditating on God's word and contemplating the blessings of knowing and loving Christ. Each meditation is filled with Scripture that is applicable to whichever Psalm he is writing on. The beauty of this book is when you have finished it (after several months) you can reread it, as rereading scripture never gets old. My thanks to Case for his many hours putting this book together knowing that whoever purchases it will be blessed and edified in their daily walk with the Lord."

 - Tom K.

"Brother VanKempen is to be commended for his tireless zeal to provide us with sweet meditations drawn from the inexhaustible treasury of God’s precious Word. The one attribute that shines forth in all his mediations is that they are consistently Christ- centered. Thus, all who, by grace, love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity will find his meditations attractive for that reason alone. The Psalms are so eminently suited to unfold Christ and all His unsearchable riches.

"To all of Scripture, the words of Christ apply: “Search the scriptures . . . they are they which testify of me” (John 5:39, King James Version). This is unquestionably true for the Psalms. Christ declared this plainly to His disciples just before His ascension, saying, “All things must be fulfilled, which were written in . . . the psalms, concerning me” (Luke 24:44). Thus, also regarding the Psalms, it is true that the written Word is about the Living Word.

"These warm, experiential meditations affirm this abundantly. The author consistently affirms that we can read the Psalms profitably only if we read them in light of the person and work of Christ. If, therefore, Christ has become precious to you, and if it is the yearning of your soul “that I may know him, and the power of his resurrection” (Phil. 3:10), you will not be disappointed."

 - Rev. Bartel Elshout Sample meditation quote on Psalm 119, page 241 

Author: Mr. Cornelius (Case) Van Kempen
Type: Books - Paperback

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