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Crisis in the Reformed Churches - Essays in Commemoration of the Great Synod of Dort

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Forty years after the original publication, we have reprinted this book in a new, attractive format.  Completely re-typeset and with numerous corrections to the original text, this hardcover book will be a valuable resource for those interested in the formation of the doctrine of grace.

Contributing authors:

Peter Y. DeJong-- pastor for several churches in the CRC; Professor of Practical Theology at Calvin Theological Seminary; one of the founders of Mid-America Reformed Seminary
Simon Kistemaker-- Professor of New Testament Emeritus, RTS; past president and secretary-treasurer, Evangelical Theological Society
Fred H. Klooster-- professor of Systematic Theology at Calvin Theological Seminary
John Murray-- professor of Systematic Theology and co-founder, Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia
Edwin H. Palmer-- minister in the CRC; professor at Westminster Theological Seminary; executive secretary, Committee on Bible Translation (NIV)
Louis Praamsma-- minister in the CRC; professor of Church History, Calvin Theological Seminary
Klaas Runia-- professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological College, Geelong, Australia; professor of Practical Theology, Theological Seminary, Kampen, Netherlands
Cornelius Van Til-- professor of Apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary
Marten H. Woudstra-- professor of Old Testament, Calvin Theological
Seminary; translator, NIV

ONE: The Rise of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands --Peter Y. De Jong
TWO: The Background of the Arminian Controversy (1586-1618) --Louis Praamsma
THREE: Leading Figures at the Synod of Dort --Simon Kistemaker
FOUR: The Doctrinal Deliverances of Dort --Fred H. Klooster
FIVE: The Synod and Bible Translation --Marten H. Woudstra
SIX: Preaching and the Synod of Dort --Peter Y. De Jong
SEVEN: The Significance of the Canons for Pastoral Work --Edwin H. Palmer
EIGHT: Calvin, Dort and Westminster-A Comparative Study --John Murray
NINE: Recent Reformed Criticisms of the Canons --Klaas Runia
TEN: The Significance of Dort for Today --Cornelius Van Til
APPENDIX A: Chronological Table
APPENDIX B: Biographical Notes
APPENDIX C: The Remonstrance of 1610
APPENDIX D: The Counter Remonstrance of 1611 
APPENDIX E: Political Commissioners Assigned by the States-General 
APPENDIX F: Delegates to the Synod of Dort 
APPENDIX G: Remonstrants Cited to Appear at Synod 
APPENDIX H: The Opinions of the Remonstrants
APPENDIX I: The Canons of Dort 

Hardcover, 336 pages

Author: Peter Y. De Jong
Type: Books - Paperback

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