The Judgment of Our Nation Is Imminent
Mr. Cornelius Van Kempen
“Abba, I’m Hurting”
Why I Didn’t Lead My Dad’s Funeral
Rev. Derrick J. Vander Meulen
1527: The Ten-Year Anniversary of the Reformation
Mr. James Swan
A Reformed Response to Crisis: Perspectives on the Synod of Dort Outlook Forum
Mr. Michael R. Kearney
Are You Not Ashamed of the Gospel?
Mrs. Annemarieke Ryskamp.
Church Order Articles 11 and 12
Rev. Greg Lubbers
Abraham Lincoln on the Mystery of Divine Providence
Dr. Mark J. Larson
Reflections on the Ten Commandments (3)
Mr. Gaylord Haan
How Do We Know Jesus Is Our Mediator? (6)
Rev. William Boekestein
What Is True Faith? (7)
Rev. William Boekestein
Rev. Peter H. Holtvlüwer
Good Question
Rev. William Boekestein
Preparing Your Family to Receive the Preached Word (2)
Dr. Joel R. Beeke
Book Reviews
Rev. Jerome M. Julien