In a Few Words Rev. James Admiraal 3
Readers Response and Authors Response 4
The Grace of Predestination Rev. Daniel R. Hyde 6
Heaven (10) Rev. William Boekestein 11
The Book of Esther, An Introduction Dr. Norm DeJong 16
Fear (6) Rev. Paul T. Murphy20
IRBC’s Third Step of Counseling: Evangelizing the Lost (Part 1)(16) Dr. Jeff L. Doll 22
Good News for Postmodern Man Mr. Michael Kearney 26
The Cross and the Doible-edged Sword Mr. Gary Vander Hart 29
God’s, and a Woman’s Work Mr. Gerry Wisz 30
Commentrating the Synod of Dort (1618-1619) Dr. Cornelius P. Venema 32