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2009-09-October Outlook Digital - Volume 59 Issue 9

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Blessed Assurance 
In  this meditation, Rev. Wybren Oord looks at the radical teaching of Jesus
that sparked a Reformation.

Francesco Turrettini (1547–1628): Pilgrim of Faith 
Rev. Wesley White writes about the struggles faced by an early leader in the church at the time of the Reformation.

Report on Classis Central U.S.

Bible Studies on the Book of Ruth 
Rev. L. Charles Jackson presents the next two lessons of his Bible Study
of the Book of Ruth.

Piety with Proper Bounds 
This month’s article celebrating the 500th Anniversary of John Calvin has Rev William Boekestein writing about Calvin’s view of worship.

Looking Above 
Rev. Brian Vos continues to consider the persecuted New Testament
church in his section of this study of the book of Revelation.

Christ Our Prophet 
Rev. Talman Wagenmaker considers the role of Jesus Christ as our
chief prophet and how His work applies to the Christian.

RYS Convention 
Hundreds of young teenagers met together for the RYS Convention.
Read their report in this issue.

LOGOS Conference                       
Many Young Adults met together in beautiful Wisconsin to study the Christian life. A summary of their time together is reported in this issue.

Author: Reformed Fellowship, Inc.
Type: Digital

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