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2008-02-February Outlook Digital - Volume 58 Issue 2

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Heaven: What Is It?    3
Ever wonder about the place called heaven?  In his continuing series
of meditations on this topic, Rev. D. Hyde describes the place called heaven.

The Christian Life in a Prayer From Paul    5
What is Paul’s desire for the readers of his epistles?  Dr. Mark Larson looks at a passage from Ephesians to explain Paul’s longing for all

On Being Named    8
What is the significance of your name?  Rev. Shane Lems explains the importance of the name given to each believer by Christ.

Bible Studies on Joseph and Judah    12
Rev. Mark Vander Hart continues his Bible Study on the last section
of the Book of Genesis.

The Praise of the Persecuted Pilgrim    18
Mr. Matt Nuiver offers some thoughts on the suffering encountered
by the New Testament church.

Herman Bavinck:  A Sketch of His Life    21
Dr. C. Venema considers the life of Dr. Herman Bavinck in this first part
of a series of articles that will focus on this theologian’s life and

Examining the Nine Points - An Introduction    27
Dr. R. S. Clark begins a series of articles on the “Nine Points” adopted
by the URCNA Synod of 2007.

Author: Reformed Fellowship, Inc.
Type: Digital

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