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2007-02-Feb Outlook Digital - Volume 57 Issue 2

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An Old Testament Romance 3
Rev. Oord examines a tender love story that pictures God’s great love
for His people.

The First Plague: A Foreshadowing of What is to Come 6
Rev. Stromberg delves into the first plague to strike Egypt and the
meaning it had for the Egyptians.

Looking Above 8
Rev. B. Vos begins his review of Revelation 8 as he explains the half
hour of silence before the throne of God.

Allen Vander Pol’s New Work for MINTS 11

Bible Studies on Jacob 12
Rev. Vander Hart supplies readers with his next installment of studies
on the life of this Patriarch.

Trust and Obey 18
Winning Second Place in the Adult Division of The Outlook’s Essay
Contest, Mrs. Glenda Mathes recalls some songs from her youth.

The Power of Language 21
Rev. J. Tangelder, writes an article warning readers about the dangers
of inclusive language.

Baptism, Election, and the Covenant of Grace 25
Dr. R. S. Clark provides his view of Federal Vision and the dangers it
presents to the Reformed faith in this first article of a series.

The Authority of Jesus 28
Mr. Bryan Miller presents an intriguing article about the view the
Pharisees had of Jesus.

Author: Reformed Fellowship, Inc.
Type: Digital

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