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2006-05-May Outlook Digital - Volume 56 Issue 5

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The Way, the Truth, and the Life 3
Rev. Garrelt Wieske considers the glorious truth in these words of
Jesus Christ.

Baptism: The Debate Behind the Debate 6
In this first part of a series on baptism, Rev. Stromberg explains the
background of two opposing views.

We Confess 10
Rev. Hyde looks at Article 33 of the Belgic Confession, which focuses
upon the Sacraments.

Celebrating the Lord’s Day (II) 14
Rev. Johan Tangelder concludes his two part series on the importance of
the Sabbath rest and how the Sabbath became the Lord’s Day.

Looking Above 19
Rev. Brian Vos explains the meaning of the souls under the altar as
found in Revelation 6.
Press Release of the meeting of the combined committees of the

Canadian Reformed and United Reformed Churches 23

The Importance of the Ascension 27
Rev. Wybren Oord writes about the importance of this holy day.

Finding Happiness in God 29
Dr. Mark Larson explains the source of true happiness.

Looking Out and About 30

Author: Reformed Fellowship, Inc.
Type: Digital

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