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2001-05-May Outlook Digital - Volume 51 Issue 5

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Meet the Editor ............................................................................................................... 2
The editor thanks Rev. & Mrs. Vanden Heuvel for their faithful work with The
Outlook and introduces himself and his vision for the magazine.

The Gift of Love ..................................................Rev. Dale Van Dyke........................ 4
Rev. Dale Van Dyke looks at the first fruit of the Spirit: Love

Grandma Work .................................................... Mrs. Jan Groenendyk ......................5
Using Paul’s letter to Titus as a guide, Mrs. Jan Groenendyk explains the
responsibility and calling of older women toward younger women in their family
and church.

Thoughts on Ascension Day ............................... Rev. Ken Kok ................................... 6
Rev. Ken Kok explains the ascension of Christ as an important step in Christ’s
exaltation in light of events in the Old Testament.

Sound Bites ..................................................................................................................... 9
Quotes from the first year of the Torch and Trumpet’s publication that still speak
to us today.

Teen Scene ............................................................ Mr. Dave Vander Meer ................... 11
Mr. Dave Vander Meer presents a study on dating for young people and Young
People’s Leaders.

Idelette: God’s Helpmate for John Calvin ...........Rev. Ken Anema ............................ 12
Rev. Ken Anema looks at the gentle and quiet testimony of Idelette de Bure, wife
of John Calvin.

Preaching and the Elders ..................................... Dr. P.Y. De Jong ............................. 17
In this reprint from the first year of the Torch and Trumpet, Dr. P.Y. De Jong calls
attention to an oft-forgotten but significant aspect of the calling of those who
have oversight of Christ’s church.

Reformed Evangelism– An Oxymoron? ............ Dr. Cornel Venema ...................... 20
Dr. Venema begins a series of articles on the subject of evangelism in reformed
churches. This article deals with some of the views of evangelism and obstacles
faced by the church.

Who’s Who Inside This Issue ......................................................................................... 24

Author: Reformed Fellowship, Inc.
Type: Digital

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