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    *Excludes the Life in Christ catechism series.

The Outlook Digital Issues

2004-01-Jan Outlook Digital - Volume 54 Issue 1

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In Praise of Praise ................................................ Rev. Steve Simmons ................ 2
Rev. Simmons begins the new year by encouraging readers to spend time
encouraging one another.

Heresy [I] ............................................................ Rev. Johan Tangelder ............ 4
In this series of articles, Rev. Tangelder explains the fear of heresy
hunting in our postmodern culture.

Jesus Christ is the Fulfillment of Scripture .......... Rev. Wybren H. Oord ............. 7
Rev. Oord looks at the last question in Lord’s Day Six of the Heidelberg
Catechism: “How do you know this?”

Looking Out and About ........................................................................ 9
A report of events taking place in the church.

Wisdom and Biblical Theology ......................... Mr. Shane Lems ................ 10
Looking at the wisdom in both the Old and New Testaments, Mr. Lems
explains the wisdom that God imparts upon believers.

We Confess ........................................................ Rev. Daniel Hyde ................ 11
In this article, Rev. Hyde provides a brief history and explanation of the
Trinity in this study of Belgic Confession Article Eight.

Sound Bites - 1980 ............................................................................................... 14
Quotes from the twenty-ninth year of The Outlook that still speak to us

NAPARC Visit ................. Rev. John A. Bouwers & Rev. Ralph Pontier .... 15
Two members of the URCNA’s Committee for Ecumenical Relations and
Church Unity describe their visit with NAPARC.

Looking Above ...................................................... Rev. Brian Vos ....................... 17
Rev. Vos explains the significance of The Lord’s Day in this continuing
study of the Book of Revelation

Evaluating the New Perspective on Paul (7) .......... Dr. Cornel Venema ................ 19
In his continuing evaluation of the new perspectives on Paul, Dr. Venema
tackles the Reformers view of ‘the righteousness of God’ as opposed to
the new perspective’s view..

Author: Reformed Fellowship, Inc.
Type: Digital

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