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The Outlook Digital Issues

2002-01-Jan Outlook Digital - Volume 52 Issue 1

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Where, O Man, Is Your Trust? ..............................Rev. Patrick Edouard....................2

In light of events that took place in 2001, Rev. Edouard challenges us with the question
of the new year.
“Not A Square Inch .....................................Rev. Brian Vos.........................4

Rev. Vos looks at the Lordship of Christ in the Classroom and the kind of education
covenant children should be receiving.

Sound Bites - 1958 ...............................................................................................................7
Quotes from the Torch and Trumpet’s eighth year that still speak to us today.

Looking Back...................................................Rev. Jelle Tuininga................. 10
In the first of several bimonthly articles, Rev. Tuininga looks at the calling received
by those entering the ministry.

The Gods That Failed ...........................................Rev. Ralph J. Danhof...................11
Rev. Danhof wrote about the gods that twentieth century civilization has turned to,
and how those gods cannot compare to the one true God in this 1958 Torch and Trumpet

Islam’s Doctrine of God ........................‘Dick Wunnink’...................15
Writing under the name ‘Dick Wunnink,’ the author of this article explains the difference
between the Isalm religion and Christianity.

Mid-America: An Academy with a Vocational Aim [2]
................................Dr. Cornelis P. Venema .............. 18
The Outlook presents the second part of the address of Dr. Venema gave at his Inauguration
as the first President of Mid-America Reformed Seminary.

Like Apples of Gold in Settings of Silver [4]..........Rev. Paul Murphy ........................ 20
In the final look at the advances the Reformed faith within America, Rev. Murphy looks
at seminaries and Christian education.

Author: Reformed Fellowship, Inc.
Type: Digital

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