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    *Excludes the Life in Christ catechism series.

The Outlook Digital Issues

2001-11-Dec Outlook Digital - Volume 51 Issue 11

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Call His Name Jesus ...............................................Rev. Derrick J Vander Meulen............2
Rev. Derrick Vander Meulen looks a common misunderstanding that people have
during Christmastime, that of misunderstanding Christ.

Sound Bites - 1957 ...............................................................................................................4
Quotes from the Torch and Trumpet’s seventh year that still speak to us today.

Teen Scene - It’s a Wonderful Life .........................Mr. Dave Vander Meer.......................7
Yes, it’s a wonderful life but there is something terribly wrong with the movie by that
name. Mr. Vander Meer explains.

Doctrinal Sensitivity .............................................Rev. Henry R. Van Til .........................8
Rev. Henry Van Til had incredible insight concerning the direction of the church in
this February 1957 Torch and Trumpet reprint.

Mid-America: An Academy with a Vocational Aim [1]
..............................Dr. Cornelis P. Venema ................ 12
The Outlook is honored to be able to present to our readers the Address of Dr.
Venema, given at his Inauguration as the first President of Mid-America Reformed

Like Apples of Gold in Settings of Silver [3]......Rev. Paul Murphy ......................... 16
In part three of the advances the Reformed faith within America, Rev. Murphy looks
at magazines, publications, and conferences.

Pitching Tents Near Sodom.................................Mrs. Jan Groenendyk .................. 18
Mrs. Jan Groenendyk explains how easily Christians can follow in the footsteps of
Lot, and the dangers thereof.

Book Reviews................................................................................................................... 21

Author: Reformed Fellowship, Inc.
Type: Digital

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