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Ezra Nehemiah: The Return from Exile - Bible Studies

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Most are aware that Ezra and Nehemiah record the return(s) to the Promised Land, the rebuilding of the temple, and the fortification of the walls of Zion. But there is so much more packaged within these sacred pages.

Fact is, no period of salvation history is more fascinating because the resettlement sets the stage for Christ’s advent in Bethlehem, promised in Eden.

Dr. Norman De Jong sheds light on many details that otherwise might go unprocessed such as the mystery of worldly kings advancing the Lord’s cause, the attacks upon the remnant by the wicked bent on cancelling God’s work, as well as the post-exilic community joyfully anticipating the contours for New Testament worship. 

That said, even after the lengthy exile, covenant unfaithfulness still rears its ugly head, and so the saints longing for that coming King and Savior.

De Jong is eminently qualified to guide you deep and wide within the flow of divine revelation. Throughout, the author scatters seeds for growing in grace today. For each chapter, he also offers a well-prepared menu of discussion questions from which small groups may choose for making the most of their allotted time together.

This Bible study, by grace, will fortify your apprehension of Holy Scripture as you trust in Holy Spirit appropriation. Kudos to Dr. De Jong and Reformed Fellowship for delivering yet another priceless tool for rightly dividing the Word of truth.

H. David Schuringa, Ph.D.
Christian Renewal Magazine

Paperback, 272 pages

Also available in Spanish:

Esdras Nehemias --Ezra Nehemiah El Regreso del Exilio – Reformed Fellowship, Inc.

Author: Dr. Norman De Jong
Type: Books - Paperback

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
allan vanderhart

Excellent piece from Pastor De Jong. Will be using it Sunday School class.

Conflict of interest! I am the author.

It is a good book. I recommend it highly.

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