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Letter To The Ephesians

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Reformed Fellowship is pleased to announce the renewed publication of Rev. Henry Vander Kam's classic Bible study guide on the book of Ephesians. With a new cover and updated typeface and format, Vander Kam's "Letter to the Ephesians" is a thoroughly Reformed, clearly written book, taking the reader through this key New Testament book in sixteen lessons. Each lesson concludes with a set of questions for discussion, making this book suitable for individual or group Bible study. As Rev. Vander Kam mentions in the first lesson, "Anyone who would know the meaning of the term church must study Ephesians." 8-1/2" x 5-1/2" paperback, 132 pages.

Rev. Vander Kam was deeply involved with the work of Reformed Fellowship for many years. He was also active in the founding of the United Reformed Churches and was one of the founders and first professors of Mid America Reformed Seminary in its original location in Orange City, Iowa.

Paperback, 132 pages

Author: Rev. Henry Vander Kam
Type: Books - Paperback

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