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The Unknown Hour: Biblical Signs, Warnings, Hope and Peace - eBook

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In light of the national and global circumstances in which we find ourselves today, the Reformed Fellowship board felt the need to edit, revise, and republish Rev. Henry Vander Kam’s Bible study book about the signs of the times for your studies!

It is far easier to fill a bookshelf with hyperbolic predictions and conspiracy theories from ostensibly Christian authors about the end of the world than it is to locate a level-headed, thoughtful, and relevant Reformed resource that summarizes the Bible’s teaching about the end times. But such studies do exist, and The Unknown Hour is one of them.

This Reformed Fellowship study is a revision of Rev. Henry Vander Kam’s unpublished Bible study The Signs of the Times.

Although directed primarily toward a churched audience, its simple explanation of Scriptural principles may hold interest for the curious nonbeliever as well. Addressing contemporary themes such as materialism, immorality, and fear, The Unknown Hour points readers to the course of redemptive history, the warnings of imminent judgment on the wicked, and the Lord’s unfailing promises to his Church.

Along the way, the authors helpfully introduce a variety of topics that generate controversy in Christian discussions of the end times, such as views of the millennium, the identity of the Antichrist, and the continued significance of the nation of Israel. Because of the book’s brevity, these discussions sometimes leave the reader wishing for a deeper and more nuanced treatment of such issues. The particular interpretations articulated in The Unknown Hour are not universally accepted, even within Reformed circles. Nevertheless, this is meant to be a primer on Scriptural eschatology, not a definitive and comprehensive doctrinal statement.

And as a primer, The Unknown Hour’s most significant accomplishment is that of connecting eschatology’s future focus with its very present point. The study opens by quoting Jesus’s invocation of the “sign of the prophet Jonah” against the Pharisees (Matthew 16). Jonah’s commission was to preach judgment to Nineveh, a city of abominable paganism that nevertheless repented and turned to God. As it relates to the end times, the sign of Jonah proclaims that there is still time to repent and cry out to the Lord, whose mercy is unfailing. The poignant call at the end of Revelation, “Let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price” (Revelation 22:17), resounds underneath each chapter of this study.

The Unknown Hour imparts sobriety and strength in tumultuous times. Because its message is firmly rooted in the eternal relevance of the Scriptures, this study is both timely and timeless. Ultimately, its end-times message issues a call not to consternation, but to comfort.

Mr. Michael R. Kearney is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Communication & Rhetorical Studies at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. He is a member of Covenant Fellowship Reformed Presbyterian Church (RPCNA) in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania.


Table of Contents Preview:

1  The Importance of the Signs of the Times

2  The Danger of Misinterpretation

3  The Beginning of Sorrows

4  Persecution, False Teachers, and the Church

5  Life Before the Flood

Pagan Attempts at One World Government 

The Consequences of Materialism and Pragmatism 

Lawlessness as a Way of Life

9  Growing Doctrinal Laxity

10  Israel’s Return to the Homeland

11  The Mission Task of the Church

12  The Salvation of Israel

13  Mission Doors are Closing

14  The Antichristian Spirit in the World

15  The Nature of Anti-Trinitarian Theology

16  The Beast Out of the Sea

17  The Evil of Authoritarianism

18  The Beast Out of the Earth

19  The End of Division Between Nations

20  The Attack by the False Teachers, a False Church, and a World Government

21   Falling Away from God

22  The Man of Sin

23  Preparation for the End Times

24  The Antichrist Arrives with the Great Tribulation

25  Jesus’ Prophecy for Jerusalem and the Future

26  The Church’s Prayer for Christ’s Return

27  The Reward for the Faithful


  • eBook (Kindle and eBook formats)
  • 27 lessons, each with an accompanying illustration, "Searching Scripture" and "For Discussion" questions
  • Charts, maps, diagrammed views of the millennium
  • Glossary of symbolic numbers, emperors and rulers and terms used in the book


Preview the book front matter, Chapter One, Glossary, and Diagrammed Views of Millennium



Author: Gaylord Haan and Jerome Julien
Type: E-Books

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