But You, Bethlehem Ephrathah... Kenneth Anema Our Consciences are Captive to the Word of God Cornelis P. Venema Freeing the Conscience: A Review W. Robert Godfrey The Bottom of the Slope – Already? Thomas and Laurie Vanden Heuvel On Seeking Reconciliation John R. Sittema For the Word of God and...
Thanksgiving Secret Thomas Vanden Heuvel The Doctrine of God and the Worship of God (II) J. Mark Beach The Reformed Family of Churches in Indonesia Timothy Monsma Fraternal Address R.S.E. Vessinga Synod ‘95: Cultural Accommodation by Majority Vote J. Mark Beach The Christian Mind John H. Armstrong Television: The Children...
Contemporary Worship and the User-Friendly God (1) Mark Beach Time for Reformation in the CRC W. Robert Godfrey Having it Both Ways in Bejing Cal Thomas The Storytellers’ Convention Claudette L. Grinnell What’s the Connection? David Feddes OBE – Bane or Blessing? Norman De Jong The Signs of the Times:...
Making Thoughts Captive to Christ Norman De Jong Obstacles to Cultivating Holiness Joel Beeke Peace at Any Price? Jan Groenendyk Let God be God Frederica Mathewes-Green Prohibiting the Free Exercise Thereof Cal Thomas Expulsion – A Door of Opportunity Charles Krahe An RCA Church in Relation to the Alliance Charles...
Take It – or Leave It? Thomas and Laurie Vanden Heuvel Report on Synod 1995 Mark Vander Hart The Undisciplined Synod W. Robert Godfrey Address to the PCA General Assembly John R. Sittema India: Church Planting Jesus’ Way Derrick J. Vander Meulen Encouragements for Cultivating Holiness Joel R. Beeke The...
The Truth Will Set You Free! C. James den Dulk Prison Ministry Holds a Solid Reformed Position: Christian Education for Prisoners “As for Me and My Household, We Will...” Jan Groenendyk Agenda for Synod 1995 James Admiraal Letters to the Editors Harry De Moor Dan Brouwer Responds Dan Brouwer Women...
Pentecost: An Act of God Thomas C. Vanden Heuvel Dr. Cornelius Van Til: The Centennial of His Birth Fred H. Klooster Van Til and Apologetics Joel R. Beeke What is a Home Without a Mother? Jan Groenendyk A Plea for Synod 1995 to Follow the Church Order Daniel Brouwer Why...
Risen With Christ Thomas Vanden Heuvel The Living Legacy from Heidelberg Thomas Vanden Heuvel A Catechism Written in Heidelberg W. Robert Godfrey The Pastoral Necessity of Preaching the Catechism J. Mark Beach Putting a Staff in the Shepherd’s Hand John R. Sittema Cultivating Holiness (II) Joel R. Beeke The “Signs...
Our Call to Cultivate Holiness Joel R. Beeke Training for Godliness Jacob Uitvlugt Spiritual Help for Rwandan Refugees Lloyd J. Walters In Memorium: Rev. Bernard J. Haan Dale Grotenhuis Women at Work: The Devout Woman Laurie Vanden Heuvel A Discussion of The Necessity of Reforming the Church by John Calvin...
America: Move to the Right or to the Right One? C.J. den Dulk Kuyper and Politics W. Robert Godfrey God, Grammar, and Gender Richard L. Stevens What to do About Liberalism Cal Thomas A Church in Diaspora Bernard Woudenberg Baby Busters Thea B. Van Halsema Revival and Revivalism Joel R....
Toward a New Reformation John Richard de Witt The Patience of God C.J. den Dulk Abortion – Scripture or Logic? A Critique of Christian Faith, Health, and Medical Practice James Paauw Defining Humanity Down Cal Thomas Justifying Ecclesiastical Disobedience Cornelis P. Venema Alliance of Reformed Churches (ARC) Convenes Arthur Besteman...
Why? 1TORCH and TRUMPET publishers introduce their new publication…What is its relationship to current conditions, other journalistic enterprises?SHELTER AND SECURITY 2Dr. Leonard Greenway's mediation on Psalm 91…for your devotional reading.SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE 4How our thinking has been changed as a result of modern scientific discovery…Dr. John...
Christmas Riches Thomas C. Vanden Heuvel The Character of the Twentieth Century: A Reformed Review W. Robert Godfrey THE SABBATH INSTITUTION (II): Its Observance John Murray What Teenagers Really Want Cal Thomas Preparing the Church for the 21st Century Charles Dunahoo #11 Heaven’s Courts Resounding with Praises Revelation 7:9–17 Peter...
Jesus Christ – The Light of the World Laurie Vanden Heuvel The Virgin Birth Thomas Johnson Christ’s Coming – Good News or Bad? D. Clair Davis Keeping Perspective at Christmas John R. Sittema A Review Article Bassam M. Madany Closing the GAP Cal Thomas The Holy Spirit’s Preparation for the...