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Christ's Psalms, Our Psalms: Devotional

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The Psalms have long been loved by believers. We turn to them in good days and bad, to both praise God with thanksgiving and to plead with God for help. The struggles of David and the other psalmists resonate with us and we treasure the same promises of the LORD that they relied on. The meditations in Christ’s Psalms, Our Psalms – Devotional, uncover those treasures. Sixteen Reformed pastors write rich yet easy-to-understand devotions that will help strengthen your faith in God. Even more, the Devotional shows how Jesus Christ is foreshadowed in all the laments, praises, thanksgivings and words of wisdom found throughout the Psalms. Like David and the other poets, Jesus suffered greatly, learned to lean on His Father intensely, and had cause to give thanks abundantly – and all this He went through as our Mediator. Each devotion helps us to know our Savior more deeply. Three appendices add psalm devotions for those special dates on the Christian calendar: Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, Resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost. Thanksgiving and the New Year are also reflected upon.

Long lasting hard cover with sewn binding, 395 pages.

Looking for more study resources on the Psalms? Check out the 4-Volume Study Resource Collection of Christ's Psalms, Our Psalms


Author: Peter H. Holtvlüwer
Type: Books - Hardcover

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Robert R.
Magnificent Resource

I recently preached on the glorious Psalm 139. This devotional was exceptionally helpful. I have the “study resource” volumes as well and can’t recommend this set highly enough. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. Theological, pastoral, devotional, substantive, historical, all in one fantastic set. I will be now consulting the devotional volume, and resource set as my first go-to for any collateral reading on the Psalms. Many thanks for this labor of love!

Dear Robert -
Thank you for this glowing review. We rejoice that the Lord has blessed you through this work, and pray through you He will bless many more for His kingdom.
Your friends at Reformed Fellowship

Karen De Ruyter
Christ's Psalms, Our Psalms

This book was such a blessing in my devotions!

Customer Reviews

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