Taking Inventory
Mr. Cornelius VanKempen 3
Why We Wait
Mrs. Elisabeth Bloechl 4
Good Question: How Can I Overcome Doubt?
Rev. William Boekestein 6
Joseph Hart: Hymnwriter of the Heart of Conversion
Dr. Michael R. Kearney 7
A Faithful Biblical Ministry among the Pilgrim Fathers
Dr. Mark J. Larson 10
How to Dress for Church
Mrs. Annemarieke Ryskamp 12
Diagnosis and Cure
Rev. Peter Holtvlüwer 14
Church Order Articles 27 and 28
Rev. Greg Lubbers 17
Why Faith Matters
Rev. William Boekestein 20
Why Good Works Aren’t Enough
Rev. William Boekestein 22
From Maintenance to Missional: A Plea for Reformation (4)
Rev. Paul T. Murphy 24
The Death of Christ and the Righteousness of Faith: Signed, Sealed, and Administered
Rev. Casey Freswick 27
Ezekiel’s Call to a Prophetic Priesthood
Dr. R. Andrew Compton 32
Book Review
Mrs. Annemarieke Ryskamp 37