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1953-03 August Sept Torch Trumpet Digital - Volume 3, Issue 3

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Introducing: Common Grace  Leonard Greenway, George Gritter, John Piersma, Edward Heerema   1

How to Make the Church Attractive to those not Interested in Religion   4

Personal Witnessing  Alexander DeJong   6

Does Christian Social Action Demand an "Absolute Break"?  H. Evan Runner   8

The Condescension of God  Leonard Greenway   11

Towards an Indigenous Church (Part Two)  Peter Y. DeJong   13

The Evils of Calvinism  Frank B. Beck   16

Isaiah's Unique Prophecy  Edward J. Young   19

"When Kingship was Lowered from Heaven..."  Marten H. Woudstra   21

Christian Social Action in the Netherlands  F.P. Fuykschat   23

The Divine Trinity  Johannes G. Vos   27

The Book Nook   30

Author: Reformed Fellowship, Inc.
Type: Digital

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