A perfect book for this fall's Bible Study groups!
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Liturgy is the pattern of our life in God’s house. The patterns of our corporate worship communicate what matters in our relationship with the Lord. Every church has a liturgy . . . and the form of our liturgy says something about our identity as believers and the content of our faith.
Michael Kearney’s study guide to Abraham Kuyper’s Our Worship provides a wonderfully concise and clear exposition of the nature of public worship in the continental Reformed tradition. In a period of church history marked by “worship wars” and widely-divergent views of what constitutes a God-honoring form of worship, Kearney’s study guide is particularly welcome. The clarity and format of the booklet, including the provision of “questions for reflection and discussion” at the conclusion of each chapter, make this an especially useful resource for the educational ministry of Reformed churches. Though readers may take exception to some of Kuyper’s views on public worship, they will be challenged “to develop a deeper appreciation for the patterns of their worship and the reasons behind those patterns.”
—Dr. Cornelis Venema, President, Mid-America Reformed Seminary
72-page paperback booklet
5.5 x 8.5"
Table of Contents Preview:
Introduction: Recovering the Reformed Tradition 1
Chapter 1: The Form and Content of Worship 5
Chapter 2: The Call and Response of Worship 15
Chapter 3: Confession and Forgiveness in Worship 23
Chapter 4: Offering Prayer and Praise in Worship 31
Chapter 5: The Word Read and Preached in Worship 39
Chapter 6: Sacraments and Ceremonies in Worship 47
Conclusion: Toward Liturgical Awareness 57
Recommended Reading 61
Preview Chapter 1 (PDF)